Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dapatkn Diskaun utk brg2 Apple dgn Apple Store Education Price

Ok..Berita ni di tujukn kpd peminat2 brg2 Apple...

Tahukah anda,anda boley dpt diskaun bg brg2 Apple pd hrga yg agak "murah skitla" dr hrga biasa? Camana tu?

Ok cmni...

Apple mmpunyai site khas,utk support Mac user on Education field,yg tlibat dgn bdg pndidikan..
( Thanks to Apple for concerning about this )

Cthnya,hrga biasa bg Macbook adalah RM 3599.00.
Tp dgn Education price,hrga dia adalah RM3199.00.

Ok la kan..drpd tkde diskaun lgsg...

Harga2 ni adalah khas utk pelajar2 sekolah,universiti, dan kaki tgn yg tlibat dgn bdg pndidikan spt guru2...

Cmana caranya?

Ni khas utk pngguna2 di Malaysia...

Logon to this website:

Then korg akn dpt view cmni :

Kat ruangan ni la,boley pilih brg2 Apple yg tersedia sperti Macbook,iPod, Mac Mini..dan mcm2 lg.

Barang2 ni boley di purchase mlalui Apple Store Education..beli online...

Boley jg kalo nk dptkn kt kedai2 tertentu yg mnydiakn Education price ni. Sila check di link ni utk senarai reseller di tiap negeri :

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Say Hye to the new iPod nano 5G!!!

Salam suma wahai pembaca budiman....

Sori sbb lama tk update blog Linux ni...dgn sukacitanya aku nk mengumumkan bhawa aku dh bli iPod nano 5G!!

Ya...yg plg latest tu, the 5th generation...

Aku agak bz la skunk ni,tk smpt nk review lbh2 psl bnda ni..then aku akn update kmudian citer psl iPod ni..cuma ak nk gtau,ak mang sgt2 hepi ngn bnda ni, n tk sbr nk kongsi tulis review guna bnda tu kt korg...

Oke..aku upload skit gmbr dia...unboxing the iPod nano 5G!!!

Oke...bercerita bnda ni dari sudut Linux far ak jumpa satu site Linux yg dowg develop pogrem Linux utk iPod ni... rsedia

Ape yg unik ngn projek ni adalah..

-Dowg develop pogrem khas Linux utk iPod ni...
-Mcm2 apps yg tersedia utk projek ni
-iPod ni ada cm kmptr gak,dia ada OS, ada prosesor, dan ada Hardisk..OS? Ya..
-dan satu yg unik nyer, bila dah install OS Linux kt iPod tu,tekan menu yg ptama,dia akn ke menu iPod yg standard,then bila tekan menu kedua,means restart lg skali, dia boot Linux plk
- Woooooooo!!! hebat..mcm dual boot!!

Dan aku jg da create satu blog khas utk ak punya research teaching listening using link dia

kat cni aku upload segala artikel dan hasil kajian yg aku wat utk pnggunaan iPod in classroom ni...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kenapa perlu pakai Open Source?

Berita kat bwh ni di petik daripada :
Tajuk dia : Kampus diserbu, guna perisian cetak rompak

Pendapat aku : Dah tiba masanya IPTA2 kat Msia ni meng implement kan pnggunaan Open Source Software di IPTA2 dorg....selain dpt mjimatkn kos,ni jg akn mjadikn stdnt2 lebih independent dan berfikiran matang..tkla terikat dgn MS je..

Bace selanjutnya....

Bahagian Penguatkuasa Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) merampas sejumlah perisian komputer yang dipercayai melanggar peraturan bernilai RM794,300 daripada sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi swasta di Kota Kemuning, Selangor pada Khamis lepas.

Ketua pengarahnya Mohd Roslan Mahayudin berkata rampasan ini kali pertama membabitkan institusi pendidikan yang disiasat di bawah Akta Hakcipta 1997.

"Pegawai penguatkuasa mengesan 58 salinan perisian yang melanggar peraturan dalam lapan komputer yang bernilai RM24,000 di pejabat pentadbiran institusi itu dan kita telah merampas kesemua untuk siasatan lanjut," katanya kepada pemberita pada satu sidang media yang diadakan di Putrajaya hari ini.

Dalam satu lagi serbuan terhadap sebuah syarikat teknologi maklumat di Kuala Lumpur pada 7 Okt, bahagian penguatkuasa KPDNKK merampas 74 salinan perisian cetak rompak yang dianggarkan bernilai RM125,800 dalam lapan buah komputer yang bernilai RM21,000 untuk siasatan lanjut.

"Kebanyakan suspek yang menggunakan perisian cetak rompak yang dikenakan tindakan ini menggunakan pelbagai versi program komputer seperti program Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft dan Solidworks," katanya.

Beliau berkata sepanjang tahun ini bahagian itu telah mengenakan tindakan penguatkuasaan terhadap 30 buah syarikat yang menggunakan perisian cetak rompak dan telah merampas 178 komputer, 2,106 salinan dipercayai perisian cetak rompak dan perisian tanpa lesen yang nilai keseluruhannya berjumlah RM7.6 juta.

Ditanya sama ada penguatkuasaan hanya tertumpu kepada pihak pengguna berbanding pihak yang bertanggungjawab sebagai pengeluar dan pengedar perisian cetak rompak berkenaan, Mohd Roslan berkata anggotanya tetap meneruskan penguatkuasaan terhadap pengeluar bahan tersebut dan dua buah kilang yang menghasilkan perisian cetak rompak telah diserbu pada Mac dan Mei tahun ini.

Pengarah Kanan Anti Cetak Rompak Business Software Alliance Asia Pasifik, Tharun Sawney berkata tidak seperti pengeluar cetak rompak muzik dan wayang gambar, pengeluar perisian cetak rompak mempunyai situasi yang berbeza.

"Industri perisian berbeza daripada bentuk cetak rompak yang lain kerana sumbernya bukan daripada pihak pengilang sebaliknya membabitkan penggunaan oleh syarikat itu sendiri. Syarikat yang telah diserbu sebenarnya mendapat dan menggunakan salinan asli tetapi kemudiannya membuat salinan cetak rompak," katanya.

Bagaimanapun, beliau memuji langkah dan komitmen penguatkuasaan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan dalam melindungi hak-hak Harta Intelektual kerana setakat ini 30 kes telah dikenakan tindakan oleh pihak kementerian, yang tertinggi berbanding negara-negara lain di Asia.

"Secara purata sesebuah negara di rantau Asia Pasifik, mencatatkan kadar cetak rompak dalam lingkungan 61 peratus sedangkan di Malaysia 59 peratus. Kadar bagi perisian cetak rompak pula tidak lagi menunjukkan kenaikan sejak empat ke lima tahun kebelakangan ini," katanya.

Katanya ini merupakan petunjuk yang menggalakkan di dalam industri dan langkah penguatkuasaan yang dilakukan pihak kementerian dan pendidikan telah memberikan kesan yang positif.

Tambahnya walaupun kadar cetak rompak semakin berkurangan namun kerugian pendapatan oleh pembangun perisian akan terus meningkat disebabkan oleh bilangan komputer yang menggunakan perisian tanpa lesen yang banyak di pasaran.

"Apabila cetak rompak kurang, pengguna akan membeli banyak komputer. Sebagai contoh kadar cetak rompak pada tahap 59 peratus, pengguna mungkin membeli dalam 100 buah komputer, tetapi jika kadar itu menurun 2 peratus, pengguna akan membeli 120 buah komputer menggunakan perisian tanpa lesen, ini menyumbang kepada kerugian pendapatan yang besar," katanya. BERNAMA

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Aku nak cari author


Ada tak sape2 kwn MP kat cni yg kenal mana2 penulis buku2 or novel dlm bhasa Inggeris?

Kalo ada,bgtaula,sbb aku nak kna intrvw dorg ni...

Lydia Teh. Did you ever heard that name? sape2 kenal dia tak?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Review Ubuntu Studio

Objektif kta kali ni utk mencari distro Linux yg utk kegunaan Multimedia user.
So utk mengkaji bnda ni, salah satunya aku nk kaji adalah Ubuntu Studio.

versi ni di bina based on Ubuntu.
Versi ni di namakan Ubuntu Studio.

Keluaran ini di sasarkan kpd Multimedia user cm org2 yg terlibat dgn keje2 audio editing, video dan grafik editing.

Jadi,benarkah ia lbh baik dr Ubuntu biasa,ape kelebihan dia, dan apa2 ape2...bla2...
Jom kta usha..

Aku ada amik gmbr msa lupa lak simpan ktne..nti aku upload gmbr ni kmudian

Ok kta terus ke desktop Ubuntu Studio.

Selamat datang ke Desktop Ubuntu Studio...

Klik pada Accessories...

Agak mengejutkan sbb Open Office.ORG tak di sertakan langsung dgn pakej ni!!!

Klik pada Finder utk lihat icon2 Ubuntu Studio..

Visual Effect support... boley trus klik utk apply visual effect tu.
Visual effect dia jg agk cntikla.. bila kta minimize,dia cm lipat jd cm taskbar kcik je,dia hide, kira cm effect pd Mac OSX.

Codec Audio/Video problem masih menghantui Linux...
Kan lg bgus kalo Linux buat versi ni siap install ngn codec2 dia skali.
Ni lg nak install, cari2 codec..lecehla...

The tabbed Terminal cam biasa...

Ubuntu Studio standard di dtgkn tk complete, cm bodo je tk lgkp, ak ingtkn bnda ni dtg2 siap install ngn program utk Editing video, audio or graphic. Tp rupanya tkde..
Maybe nak kna updates or reinstall lg..

Jadi misi kta utk mencari distro Linux yg lbh bersifat Multimedia user adalah GAGAL!!!

Tkpela,utk menyedapkan ati,korg amikla wallpaper Ubuntu Studio ni wat simpanan kenang-kenangan...boleylah..cntikla jgk....huhu

Ubuntu Studio, audio ( kunun )

Ubuntu Ayo ( Ayoyo )

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Proposal to installed Linux based Operating System on the college’s Computer Lab ( versi asal yg lbh complete )


TO : Dr Anna Christina Abdullah ,

Dean, Circa College Of Multimedia

FROM : Mohd Zahid Bin Maikol Jamek

Sales Executive, Sharpshooter Computer and Networking Services Sdn Bhd

SUBJECT : Proposal to installed Linux based Operating System on the college’s

Computer Lab.

DATE : Monday, 24 August 2009

Circa College Of Multimedia is one of the leading private college that is emphasize on producing graduates, who are kept abreast on the latest developments in the IT and Multimedia industry, and adept with the ability to innovate, contribute and lead in the new millennium. Recently it had opened the third branch campus in Malaysia which is in Johor after Kuala Lumpur and Sabah branch campus. The college partners with local universities to offer wide range of degree and diplomas. Circa College is working with Adobe Certified Experts, Adobe Certified Instructors, and product specialist in 3D, Action Script, and Apple Authorized Training. Currently, Circa College has an enrolment of 400 students.

Circa College has 15 specialized computer labs. Every computer lab has fully air-conditioned, equipped with PC’s installed with latest operating system, software and hardware devices. The current operating system that is widely being use is Microsoft Windows XP SP3. However, most of the computer especially the system is not in a good condition. The computer is full of viruses, spyware and Trojan. Sometime the system might slow down, or crash in a sudden while students using the computer. As students always share their file and folders using pendrive and external hard disk, this might increase the risk of computer viruses to spread throughout the whole computer systems. The system also not well maintained or monitor by the technician. The lack of technician also becomes the cause of this problem as they need to maintain a lot of computer lab. Students were not able to do the assignment using the computers provided because of this problem. During classes, sometime the students need to share the computer due to some of the computer on their desk is not function properly. This might distract their interest and concentration to study the subject.

Using the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System has proven given a lot of problem. So the solution is to use the Open Source Operating System, Ubuntu Studio 9.0.4. Ubuntu is a Linux based operating system. Much of its software comes with the GNU General Public License which is free to use and can be distribute without any license. Usually a computer which is being installed with Microsoft Windows XP will cost RM 499.00 each because it uses Genuine License software provided by the Microsoft. But, by using the Ubuntu Studio, the cost to install this operating system is zero. The college can benefit these features to save the budget and can concentrate on the maintenance cost. On the networking and system security part, Ubuntu Studio is proven much safer and free from viruses. Ubuntu is deriving from Linux, so it’s not only free from viruses; spyware and malware, but file access permission systems prevent access by unwanted visitors or viruses. Due to this factor, it didn’t require any anti-virus to be installed on the computer. So it is immune to any viruses or spyware. This is because most of the viruses created are made to attack the computer running Microsoft Windows operating system, so the security risk problem for computers running Ubuntu Studio is low.

Ubuntu Studio is quite stable because it uses small resources. It can be installed on new or old computer. It didn’t required big memory or large hard disk space or required any hardware upgrade as it can run smoothly on a basic computer running Intel Dual Core Processor, with the minimum 512 MB RAM, and 5 GB hard disk space. It also didn’t need to defrag the hard disk periodically like Windows operating system.

The Ubuntu Studio comes with a huge Multimedia Based application. It is already pre-installed with the package. The college can pick which software is the best as the core functionalities are the same with Windows based software. It is fast and easy to install. Among the graphic design and modeling applications included is The Gimp, Inkspace and Blender. While the Ardour 2 is a multi track recorder, suitable for professional sound editing and recording. Pitivi, Kino, and Cinepaint are included for video creation. The Cinepaint is the same level with Apple’s Final Cut Pro. These huge applications will help to provide a creative environment to students as well as giving a spotlight to some amazing open-source applications.

Ubuntu Studio 9.0.4 will use four phase of methodology to be installed. Firstly, our technicians will check the computer system, setup the networking installation and electrical wiring for each computer lab. Then, we will start the Ubuntu Studio installation for each computer lab. This will include all the software and application that is required by each computer lab. The installation for the whole computer lab will take about three weeks. Once we have finished that, our trainers will guide your lecturer on how to use these new systems. Trial lessons will be organized and a full simulation will be held. At this initial stage, we are prepared to send our experienced trainers to the computer lab to help lecturers with their lessons. We will also provide technical team assistance if problems crop up at the initial period.

Preliminary estimates show that the project can be finished in two months. The first two weeks will be used for networking and operating system installation. Implementation activities could begin as early as September 2009.

The table below shows the budget for implementing the Ubuntu Studio 9.0.4 throughout the college’s computer lab.


Cost per computer lab

( RM )

Total for 15 computer lab

( RM )

Networking Setup



Cable and wiring



Operating System Installation



Fee for trainers

( 6 trainers )



On-site technical support

( 1 Year )






We hope that you will consider our proposal favorably and we look forward to discussing it with you in greater detail.