Friday, July 10, 2009

Fonts location on Ubuntu Linux : Cmana nak install fonts ek?

Khidupan ak mang byk tlibat ngn keje2 Fonts itu adalah sgt penting tmbhn lg Fonts2 tambahan yg cun2 tu,mang kna perlu tkyh ckp cyk, cmni caranya kalo nk install fonts dlm Ubuntu...

1. Mmula pgi ke Places,Home Folder
2. Pastu tekan View, pilih Show Hidden Files
3. Create satu folder nama " .fonts "
4. Skunk just click n drag je Fonts2 yg anda ada ke folder ni..dia akn trus auto masuk ke suma pogrem cth cam Open Office

5. Kalo nk check bukak Open Office,then check nama fonts, cth fonts yg aku masukkn ni adalah fonts yg di gunakan utk muka taip GTA San Andreas , nama dia Pricedown...

Maklumat pasal OSS in MAlaysia

KAt link ni byk maklumat pasal Open Source di Malaysia...

malas nk citer byk..korg pgi je sna..bce mang byk bnda best dan bguna kt site tu..

selamat membaca..

Program2 yg bjaya di install pd 10 July 2009

Telah berjaya install beberapa program baru. Antaranya :

1.Splash Screen editor

2.Virtualbox Innotek
3.CAiro Dock


5.PowerPoint Viewer
8.Super Looper
9.Sound COnverter

10. Compiz Fusion ( kejayaan plg besar )

11. DAn tak lupa kpd pelbagai updates yg bjaya di install...

Thanks kpd Razak..sbb bg pkai broadband kt rmh dia..kalo nk harap install gunu Wifi, jgn harap la..tah2 mau mkn tahun baru siap...huhu

Berkenaan software2 yg ak install tu,nti ak terangkn satu2 ape kegunaan dia...occay? sbb skunk ak tgh sibuk nk smbg install lg mcm2 pogrem

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kita orang yg realis...

Berikutan entry sblm ni, ak nk tekankan kt cni, even ak kcewa mna pn ngn LInux, or sdh, or susah cmana pn,ak akn tetap ngn pendirian, ak tkkn bpatah balik or menoleh ke belakang..

PAda aku, kakalahan or kkecewaan itu adalah mainan hidup...

So..ak akn tetap meneruskan cita2 ak utk kuasai Linux ni sbagaimna ak kuasai WIndose...

Ak tkkn bpatah balik ke Windose...

Sbb kta org yang jgn bpatah balik or btnya or mengingat kisah silam or yg boleh melunturkan smgt....

Stand with Linux...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

RIP OFF My Linux Ubuntu....huhu

Di umumkan bahawa ak gagal me repair filesystem ubuntu yg rosak ari tu..satu tips tu pn lgsg tk mjadi..tktaula nk ckp pe...da nasib..huhu

Nmpknyer I need to start it over again...

Hbs dh suma compiz fusion, efek2, n pogrem2 yg ak dh update tu..huhu

Sedih giler ni...

TApi aku nk ingtkn kat cni yang aku takkan bpatah balik, or memandang ke belakang ( balik ke windose )...

AKu akn tetap dgn Linux...ak akn trus cuba lg smpai ak btul2 mahir cm ak kuasai Windose msa zmn mula2 dlu...

Semahir mana ak ngn Windose, so ak akn try utk mahir jg ngn Linux ni even susah cmana pn!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jwpn yg aku terima : How to repair filesystem..

Berkenaan masalah aku sblm ni ( rujuk entry sblmnya ), yg nk repair filesystem tu...
ni adalah antara jwpn yg di cadangkan....

Jawapan pertama...

Re: How to repair Ubuntu filesystem?
this has happened to me and for my case it fixed when I ran
Code:fsck -awhen prompted to do so (it is shown in your screenshot also where you should have run that and not press Ctrl + D). This process takes about an hour or more to run though so make sure you have time on your hands.Good luck

Jawapan kedua...

Re: How to repair Ubuntu filesystem?
You can use Gnome Partition Editor (GParted) in your Ubuntu Live CD or you can use a special dedicated GParted live CD like GParted -- LiveCD or Parted Magic.Always leave your file systems unmounted until after the file system check, never try to run a file system check in a file system while it's mounted.
Boot your Live CD, open Gnome Partition Editor and right-click on the partition you want checked. In Hardy Heron it is 'System-->'Administration'-->'Partition Editor'.
Select 'check' from the right-click menu. If 'check' is greyed out you might need to select 'unmount first, then click 'check'.
Click the 'Apply' check mark button up on the toolbar.
Click the 'Apply' button in the confirmation pop-up window
Watch the reciprocating bar for a few minutes, a very large file system may take a while
Click on the 'Details' triangle to expand the window
Click on the triangle in front of 'Check and repair filesystem (ext3_ on ....)' for details
Be sure to fully expand all details and read what has been done. If it's the Ext3 file system, GParted will have calibrated your file system and run e2fsck -f -y -v on it for you, and has run resize2fs for you to make sure your file system is the right size to fill your partition.
__________________Illustrated Dual Boot Site -Install Ubuntu-GRUB Page LiLo Page GAG Page
I DO NOT resemble the HERMAN of comic book fame.

Jawapan ketiga..

Repairing broken packages has nothing to do with your problem.Anyway, you could either try the "File System Check"-option, or open a root shell and then run "fsck /dev/sda7", as the error message suggests.

Segala jawapn aku kt forum tu ada kat link ni, boley trus klik kat link ni..

so balik nti ak nk try..hope this can help..

Thanks everyone at the Ubuntu Forum...

Cmana ek nk repair filesystem ubuntu neh..huhu

Baru2 ni ak tkley start ubuntu ak...dia kuar msg cmni...
*Please repair the file manually.

*Aku tak reti!!!


So aku masuk ke recovery console....

Cuba la tekan Repair broken still tkley gak...bila nak startup ty dia still hang je, cm tgantung gitu je...

Dia jg akn kuar error msg,

" Uncleaned shutdown detected "


Moral of the story : always wait until your computer is fully shut down..never turn it off immediately unless its Windose !!!

Somebody help me!!!

Kalo ada pakar2 Linux yg bace ni ( english ) :

How do I repair the file system without reinstalling the whole system on Ubuntu Linux?

I already installed many updates and programs on my Ubuntu Linux... ( I'm working hard on it and take so long time to installed all that )

Solution dia mgkn ak kna reinstall smula Ubuntu ni..hbsla suma update2 tu..lgpn bkn skejap nk install update suma2 tu...lama giler..siot ar ubuntu ni..

* Ni btul2 da buat wa buntu beb !!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh Command Prompt ! Oh Terminal...

Command prompt..ak pasti suma owg tau pasal bnda..plg tk pun msti pnh nmpk guna ni...ak kenal bnda ni sejak mula2 kenal windose dulu...

Ape yg dpt ak kata bila tgk bnda ni adalah..
-itam dan membosankan..

Ak bkn nk bann Windose,tp at least kalo dowg bace ni,dowg watla perubahan bnda ni cntik skit ke, customize skit ke..

Ok..skunk kta berada dalam LInux...di perkenalkan, tak lain tak bukan,

Ini dia...


It look like this...

Utk pengetahuan korg, bnda yg kotak tgh run byk teks2 tu la nama dia Terminal..

Fungsi dia lebey kurg cm Command prompt gak la kalo dlm windose..cuma Terminal ni, kegunaan dia lbh meluas iaitu slalu guna time nak install Program, atau masukkn arakan masa nk connect Screamyx a.k.a Streamyx...

Cthnya dgn menaip, sudo pppoeconf

pstu tekan enter. bla bla bla...

cmtula slh satu cth kgunaan Terminal..

SAtu lagi, yg best nyer adalah, Terminal ni boley di customize, boley tukar2 warna teks dia, background dia..

Utk Terminal aku yg kt atas tu, ak set kn background dia sbg Transparent dgn warna itam, dan teks warna Hijau...

Dia jg boley wat multiple Tab utk setiap kta Tab browsing guna Mozilla Firefox tu...amacam, canggih tak?

Dh terer sombong lak ngn owg

Ak cukup geram ngn satu mamat tu,dia ada gak blog pasal UBuntu...kira ok la gak blog dia...tu ak tak ak tknk sebut ape alamat blog dia...

dia ni siap display besar2, sape nk btnya or pape mslh pasl linux ley tnya dia, tp yg ak tk puas ati adalah...

-Dia ni tk pnh reply YM yg ak tnya
-DAh beribu kali gak la
-Kt blog dia pnyela ckp pasal bntu mbntu ssama komunity Linux..Tp dia sndri tk amalkn tu,

Ak tau la even dia bz keje, tp at least kalo time free, balas la, ape slh...

Utk pgetahuan korg,ak mang tk ske ngn org yg kedekut ilmu, dan poyo's

So ingtlh, sejauh mna korg pnye tnggi ilmu tu, share la ngn org..ilmu tu pemberian Allah, bila2 msa je dia boley tarik semula nikmat yg di bg tu...

KAta2 akhir dari aku, kalo dh jd terer ngn Linux tu,ajar2 la org lain, jgn simpan sndri je...

sndri mau ingtla beb...

Lg satu dia kata, tk dpt tlg atas sbb2 tk dpt di elakkan..blahla..kalo nk tlg ckp je la tlg, kalo tknk , ckp je la tknk...blah la lu ngn blog lu tu

Dalam proses meng install Kiba Dock

Ak dalam proses meng install slh satu dock yg popular gak la utn Ubuntu ni nama dia, Kiba Dock..

Bila dh siap, it should look like this...

tutorial amik dari cni :

Ni plk video tutorial dia...

Seingat ak, cm pnh tgk video ni kt blog hanief...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cara resize gambar dlm kuantiti banyak secara serentak guna GIMP

Tutorial ni ak jmpa dr blog sorg pengguna Gimp.. Gimp ni merupakan program utk edit gmbr dlm Ubuntu Linux. ..dia ajar cmana nk resize gmbr dlm kuantiti yg byk serentak...kalo dlm Windows, biasa ak guna Pix free yg ni wat cara GIMP plak...selamat mencuba....

Thanks to

I shot a couple of dozen pictures in Seattle yesterday, and I wanted to put them on Flickr. Problem is that Flickr has a monthly upload bandwidth limit, and my Canon EOS 400D creates 3382×2259 images, but for Flickr a 1200×800 should suffice; therefore I decided to resize them before uploading.
How to do that with a batch process, rather than by hand?

I came up with a nice solution using GIMP (for Linux Ubuntu, but it’s valid for other Linux flavors as well).
Here’s how.

Install the package gimp-plugin-registry, which includes also David’s Batch Processor (name says all).


Now open Gimp, go to Xtns, and then click “Batch Process…“.


Here you can configure the details, expecially:
- which images you want to convert (”input” tab)
- how you want to resize them (”resize” tab)
- the type and quality of output images (in the “output” tab)
- renaming (you can’t overwrite the original files; choose a different directory for output).


It works!

Check them out on my flickr page (pictures have a friendly CreativeCommons license, you can use them).

How to start Linux? How to get Linux?

Entry kali ni ak nk citer pasal cmana nk jd pengguna Linux.. ( utk newbie ) senang je..cmni...
( ak andaikn korg tkda lgsg pape CD or o.s Linux, O.S is operating system )

1. Download atau order sndri cd Linux Ubuntu dari website dia ni :

Cara pertama :
Kalo nk donlod pn dlm 2 jam kalo ada fast tenet connection ak rsa ley dpt lg cpt..dlu ak donlod guna wireless lg..boley jgk..snggup tnggu tu..

Cara kedua :
Kalo korg malas nk donlod,nk request free CD, klik kat Get Ubuntu
Kt situ nti korg masukkn alamat,emel, dan butiran2 tu la...senang je...pastu tnggula smpai bungkusan Ubuntu anda smpai ke rumah...


Benda free beb,rugi kalo korg tk mtk...even tk reti guna,order je, nk mtk brape byk pn,dorg tetap akn hntr.

2. Tunggu sehingga bungkusan anda sampai...biasa dlm 2 minggu cmtula..

3. Okeh..bungkusan da sampai..nti korg akan dpt package yg cmnila :

-Satu CD installer Linux Ubuntu 9 ( kalo korg mtk 1, dpt 1 la )
-Sticker Ubuntu.

Cmnila bungkusan dia...

Package2 yang di sertakan...

4. Pastu boot la kmptr anda dgn cd Linux Ubuntu ni...

5. Entry berikutnya ak akn ajar cmana cara installation Linux Ubuntu ni..hehe

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sape kata ubuntu linux tkkn crash? Tipu!!!

Sape kata Linux tk bley crash? kalo Windows ada BSOD ( blue screen of death ) or crash tetiba,

Petanda dia kalo crash,window dia akn tetiba jd kaler kelabu, n suma cm brenti tetiba,tkley wtpe ( nsb bek tk kuar BSOD ) huhu

Kalo dlm Windose kalo dia bengong kta tekan Ctrl+Alt+Del, tp kalo dlm UBuntu nk tekan ape?

Jgn riso,mmula rite klik kt taskbar atas ( panel ), tekan add to panel, pstu cri bnda yg nama Force Quit , pstu Add.. nti dia kuar satu icon kt atas, pstu kalo Ubuntu anda crash lg,tekan bnda tu, Force quit, then klik kt mmana WIndows yg crash tu,
voila, dia end trus...hahahha

senang kan...